Saturday 16 May 2015

Urgh so sorry but your still gonna have to wait:
If anyone here is actually interested in my facepaints/views on the world, you still have at least a 3 week wait before I am active.

The urge to paint is strong, but I am having software trouble - Lightworks free version if your wondering - and also lots to do at uni. Well, maybe not lots to do at uni but it feels like it and I know if I make a video that's almost a full day down the drain and I KNOW in that one particular day I will miss something drastic and somehow become a week behind.

My exams finish June pretty early though, so expect after that to have lots more activity both here and on youtube.

So quick update - yes, I am aware of FNAF4, and super pumped for it's release, and yes, I have lots of other FNAF facepaints ideas to do before then. I've even made a Freddy top hat and Freddy ears. They taunt me constantly.

Love you whoever the one person who is reading this is, I will hopefully see you later.

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