Wednesday 6 May 2015

Liquid Latex vs PVA glue update:

I am sorry for the lack of weekly PVA glue updates. I didn't want to scar you guys more with my unmakeuped face again... though you will be exposed to it may more than you will approve of in future.

So basically, every day or so after that update I put the glue on my face. First week or two after my skin reacted - not as violently but under the glue you could see the skin was red. And when I took it off I'd have a lovely red circle on my face like I was so bad at makeup I couldn't even attempt a clown look.

Next week after that my skin didn't really react, it was just a slightly darker shade of red under the glue - which could be less of a reaction to the glue and more the fact the skin was being mildly restricted and lacked air.

And then a day or so ago I got something new - I caved and ordered liquid latex.

I put both on my face in dots on my cheek, and both seemed to react fine with my skin. No real redness or burning or any sort of discomfort part from the stench. Both of these things smell bad and both make my eyes water slightly.

WARNING: before I continue I bought a 500ml bottle of latex off ebay so I don't know how trustworthy this brand is or how safe it is to be on my face. But I'm going to test it anyway FOR SCIENCE!

So first impression comparison between PVA glue and Latex;


      PVA Glue

  • Can get it anywhere
  • It's pretty cheap
  • It comes off really easily with water (pro-tip don't rip it off without water to prove your manliness, just wet it and it'll come off in a second and you won't peel the skin and half your cheek muscles off with the glue)


  • Dries almost matte and kind of sticky so paint should probably stick to it
  • My skin seems to react just slightly less though the PVA didn't spawn hell-fire on my skin when I last tried it
  • It's really stretchy
  • Can come off in one piece so you could potentially use prosthetics again if your careful when removing them


      PVA Glue

  • Smells nasty and potentially reacts to skin
  • Does not come off in one piece
  • Will become ruined on the slightest touch of water - jk but be careful, even when painting it you need to let it dry a little between coats or it'll start to die. You know this is happening when it loses transparency and starts turning milky


  • It's really sticky so you'll need powder to set it
  • It's harder to remove than the PVA glue since you cant just wet it and wipe off - prepare for almost waxing as you remove it from any areas with any kind of hair.
  • It's not that cheap - my el-cheapo brand was still $16 for 500ml - with PVA glue being potentially half that and available everywhere. The latex I had to buy online.
So there's my first impressions, when uni lets up a little I'll do some more experimenting, may possibly damage my skin forever, and then update you from the hospital bed.

See you then.

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