Sunday 26 April 2015

Ultron Makeup and my birthday!
So, I forgot to post it here, but yeah I made an Ultron video.

This Ultron is the very first version of Ultron, and he's a little rough around the edges - both in the movie and in the facepaint.

First go of greasepaint.

I got my flash pallette dupe in the mail that morning. The look was in celebration of the Avengers releasing in cinemas two days after that look. At that point I didn't know why Ultron looked that way, and assumed he was broken ultron - which in a way he was.

Don't worry you guys in America, I won't spoil the movie for you.

But yeah, he wasn't broken in the way I thought he was.

Now why am I saying this face-paint was different? It's just another face-paint, why does saying it was grease-paint make up for your inadequacy?

Well it doesn't really. But grease-paint is not the same as water-based paint. Why? Grease-paint does not set. And if it does set, it sets in such a long time that you can't possibly wait for it to set.

Is that a bad thing? Yes and no.

No, it's not a bad thing because having it not sets allows for real easy blending and mixing of colours. You also don't have to run to a tap or a spray bottle every two minutes to reactivate it because it's dried out.

But it is a bad thing if you want it to last and not smudge. Or to shade with eye-shadows, or layer on top of the paint. 

So basically what I'm saying is, I'm currently used to water-based paint and that's why I find the grease paint more difficult to work with. It's not necessarily bad, I'm just not-pro enough for it.


Now on to another subject... it's my birthday! Yay! And I half-celebrated it yesterday by seeing age of Ultron and buying the most amount of cinema food I've ever bought.

Not to shove it in your faces if it's not yet released in your country but damn that movie is beautiful. And once it's been out long enough I may have a couple little rant/spoiler-talks about it. 

It was basically the most beautiful way to pre-celebrate my birthday there was. You will not be disappointed when you see it. Just make sure not to look too close at anything online about the movie to not have twists spoiled for you. Let's just say if you know anything about the vision or what he looks like you know too much and have a twist spoiled for you. There was a reason marvel was trying to hide the character.

I feel like I just spoiled it for you... sorry.

Anyway today is kind-of less birthday ish then yesterday weirdly, but I can now drink legally if I had the money to buy alcohol... yay?

See you lovelies later and hopefully I will learn to use less ellipses in my blog posts with my new found adult-hood.

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