Sunday 19 April 2015

PVA Glue as Liquid Latex?
Can you use this cheap alternate to save your wallet and achieve the same look?

My thoughts, no.

Why I thought it was an option in the first place;

There are plenty of tutorials for a real quick wound/zombie using tissue paper and PVA glue. Pretty much everyone would have these items to hand. Latex on the other hand is pretty expensive, and most people generally wouldn't have it laying around unless they are a SFX artist or a mad keen cosplayer.

I've also had PVA glue on my skin before to no problems, and with a proud non-toxic boldly stated on the front of the bottle, I attempted a Shireen from Game of Thrones.

It didn't work.

Basically, I started putting the tissue and PVA glue over one side of my face. At first it was fine, I was happy. Then my eye starting to sting a little and I was like "it's just the glue fumes, lets turn a fan on", and I continued on.

Then my face started to feel a bit hot and I was like, eh, maybe it'll pass. Let's keep going.

I did this until I was finished covering my face and then started to let it dry. As PVA glue dries it becomes clear, and as it became clear, I saw how red my skin was under it. How red, this red.

Okay so ignore how blotchy and red my face is, and the weird bandaid thing I got going on on my eyebrow on the left picture (I was covering it cause I want to keep my eyebrows okay?). You can see here how red my face got from the PVA glue after I took it off. Right picture, left side of my face if you can't tell the difference between nearly ripe and totally ripe tomato skin tones.

It's now been 24 hours and I can say it left no lasting damage. So that's a plus.

But obviously, this reaction scared me a little. I'd never reacted this way to PVA glue before and I was half-terrified that one half of my face would start peeling like a massive sunburn.

So when I woke up in the morning with a normal face, I was like... was it some weird reaction to my moisturizer? Tried it this morning again - this on a small area on my face - and the same result. Turned red, stayed red after removal for a little while.

And I was like damn, now I might actually have to buy latex... but what if the same happens with latex. Poor wallet, how will you survive.

But I was not satisfied with the belief that torturing my wallet was inevitable. So I tried PVA glue on my knuckles, and inside of my arm - where there was no hair - to test if I'd suddenly developed a PVA glue allergy.

And no problems occured.

I even made a wound with it on the inside of my arm.

And below is the same wound with some shininess via lip gloss

And what the glue looks like when you rip it off, nastiness.

Btw if you ever use PVA glue for a wound on your body, don't rip it off. PVA glue gets real soft when wet, so just soak it and wipe it off and you wont have to forcibly mega exfoliate the area under your wound. Basically it hurts like a band-aid, not enough to make a big deal of but enough that you may want to avoid it,

Anyway, so what did I conclude with the experiment for SCIENCE?! That I have no glue why my face is being a bitch... and will continue to test my face frequently to see if it will react the same way.

So stand by for weekly PVA glue updates. That sounds exciting right? Right... yeah, you can skip those.

Anyway, so I still want to make a Shireen Tutorial for you guys, but now it'll probably be a face-paint only tutorial and contain no dimension or realism. Why don't I go out and buy liquid latex now? Cause I live in Australia and anything cool is either; not available, or 600 times more expensive than buying online.

I may order some latex but don't expect it for like 2 months because Australia is so far away from everything that'll it'll take years to reach us.

Sorry for the bulk word post, but eh.

Oh, and lastly, PVA glue does not set without air. So if you cover any glue you've poured out of the bottle - like in an old ice cube tray - so it's air tight - like with sticky tape - it'll stay usable. Intense dash use...

Okay bye, before I type even more...

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