Wednesday 15 April 2015

Five Night's At Freddy's Movie:

Firstly, do I want this to happen - yes. Just a disclaimer.

I love FNAF as a huge amount of people do. The fan-base is probably much larger than the ones I'm going to talk about, and generally a larger fan-base get more what they want.

Smaller fan-bases get pushed around.

Let's think about two examples; the Mortal Instruments and The Wheel of Time. Note, both of these are books to visual media not games to film so there will be a difference. Actually screw it lets go for four, it's a nice round number. The next two examples will be; Assassin's Creed and Bioshock.

So all these four examples had their film (TV in the case of The Wheel of Time) rights sold. Everyone got really happy in the fan-base, if skeptical, because almost always a fan will be excited about the fictional place they'd lived in expanding.

Many of these four even had directors attached to them, budgets even, rating arguments. And yet, here we are how ever many years later, either brutally disappointed with the result or the lack of result.

The Mortal Instruments... well, I could go on for a while but the outrage has dissipated as well as my recollection of the books. A quick Google will tell how sad this movie made than fan-base, almost as enraged as the Percy Jackson fans. They completely got the villain, Valentine, wrong, changing him from a cold, calm, collected psychopath into a raging lunatic... I'll stop now I promise.
Picture from, where you can also read about the TV series

The point is getting that film doesn't always result in happiness. On a side note this is gettinga TV series reboot, so maybe they'll be more truthful to the books now.

Now for those that didn't get that yet; Bioshock and Assassin's Creed.

These are by no means unpopular games.

Assassin's Creed... yes it was dwarfed by its sequel's popularity, but the movie proposed is centered on the original man under the white hood, Altair. This movie has been proposed for years, and recently got it's supposed release date pushed back to December 2016...
From where you can read and try to be convinced by another solid assurance it's going to happen. You've broken my heart too many times already for me to believe you.
However some more articles have cropped up promising it's in the works so maybe it'll finally happen? But with Ubisoft releasing Assassin's Creeds games so often, we aren't starved for material to fan over.

Bioshock - the first one since Kevin Levine basically made Bioshock 2 void with Bioshock Infinite Burial at Sea, has been after a movie for years too.
I know Big Daddy, we're so sad about the movie not happening we'd drop down and die too. 
But with many problems and arguments occuring. such as an R-rating being so unpopular and a restricted budget, they movie plans imploded. And now that Irrational Games has closed down, Bioshock fans have to be content replaying the two canon games and DLC (and possibly committing sacrilege and playing Bioshock 2).

Both of these are games with large fan-bases but still couldn't get their movie despite initial interest.

And lastly, The Wheel of Time.
There's magic in this series, image from can't find orginal artist (cant be bothered) but it's very pretty... anyway

The Wheel of Time would have the smallest fanbase of the fandoms mentioned so far, and probably the largest amount of material. Well, maybe Assassin's Creed and it are close. Looking at pages on their respective wikis, Assassin's Creed has 5,634 while Wheel of Time has 5,796 . So you can see how much material is in this series of books.

How long is the series you ask? 14 in the series no including prequels. And their not Deltora Quest sized books, They range from about 700 to 1300 pages long each. And I read them all... yes, it did become a bit of a grind.

Anyway the rights for this were purchased years ago, and recently almost expired. If you own the rights to something, if you sit on your hands for two long they expire and go back to their original owner and you have nothing to show for the money you spent.

So to make sure the rights didn't expire, a shitty TV pilot was made. And everyone was angry, and they got to keep the rights. Lose for the fans.

Now, what does this all have to do with FNAF? Basically, hope, pray, but don't hold your breath because while this movie may seem set in stone now, at may either never come to pass or be disappointing.

I'm sorry for the downer guys. Remember this too - Deadpool is getting his movie after so long and with such sadness. So there is hope.

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