Thursday 9 April 2015

Beak-less Toy Chicka

So chickens are kind of Easter-y, and I know Easter is over but there's still eggs in super-markets therefore I can still justify this as an Easter thing... maybe?

Anyway while I do see a lot of Chicka's out there, there doesn't seem to be many of toy Chicka without her beak. While the animatronics are pretty damn creepy without any alterations (e.g. toy bonnie), Chicka beakless and eyeless is pretty damn creepy.

So without further a do...

Yeah, my hair and neck  kinda ruin it but I was too lazy to make a head piece and don't actually own a wig cap :(

Note to people who do this look - pat matte shadow on your lips to remove weird shininess in the supposed emptiness of her mouth.

I am planning on making a youtube tutorial... even though my camera battery died half-way through filming. Oh well, it'll just be a bunch of word instructions.

See you all later, and yes, it'll probably be something to do with Five Night's a Freddy's.

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