Thursday 25 June 2015

New FNAF tutorial!

I would rant about my theory here but I have a rant video to make - and then whatever I didn't address in that video I can post here when I post my next vid.

Here's the makeup tutorial.

On another note, I'm thinking of making really condensed tutorials so people can watch them, then if they're interested  they can watch the full tutorial. Anyone think that's a good idea? Problem is it's posting the same constant twice :/ - that's a bit of a douche move almost.

Sunday 21 June 2015

Two New vids
Two new videos are up on my youtube; while only one is a makeup tutorial, the other has my dog being a loon and mini me when I was like six or seven. The other is hopefully a cute little look you could even do on kids.

Depending on how ham you go with the tiger stripes, the look won't even take very long to do. I tried copying a tiger's real stripes, so it took me a little longer than is probably necessary.

Here zit izz...

Post look note, you should probably keep the tiger mouth to your mouth not try to outline it over your lips. Also, don't use the cheap nasty water based paint.

Here's my crazy dog if you want a bit of a laugh. My dog does crazier stuff than this - I'll probably show more of his craziness in the future.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Golden Freddy kind of Tutorial is UP!

Semesters over and I'm still unemployed :'(

Either way, I just put up my tutorial of Golden Freddy when he was being used by the purple man to lure away kids to murder them! Yay, so much fun!

For something I intended to be somewhat scary, it ended up being pretty non scary. Much sadness.

Whether you agree or not with the theory that purple man used the Golden Freddy suit which this tutorial, give it a look, and maybe comment why this theory is wrong. I'd love to have a discussion about it with pretty much anyone. You could hate the makeup and just wanna talk before FNAF4 comes out [yep, I did fan squee when it was confirmed].

If you guys knew me, and knew how much I go on GOT memes to discuss theories and plot points, you'd know I like to take about whatever I fan girl over.

Anyway, the tutorial is a mess cause I can't edit for shit so please forgive me please.

A fun fact though, when I took the makeup off in the shower I stood under the shower stream for like at least five minutes, and when I checked to see how much had come off in the mirror, it looked pretty much exactly the same. So while I love water-based paint cause it sets by itself and comes off easily, I know which type of paint I'm using if I ever want to go out in a body paint.

 Oh and you guys get to hear my annoying voice yay, apparently it's why higher and much more lisping than I realized. How do my friends stand to hear me talk I don't know.

I'm going to stop typing now bye.

Saturday 16 May 2015

Urgh so sorry but your still gonna have to wait:
If anyone here is actually interested in my facepaints/views on the world, you still have at least a 3 week wait before I am active.

The urge to paint is strong, but I am having software trouble - Lightworks free version if your wondering - and also lots to do at uni. Well, maybe not lots to do at uni but it feels like it and I know if I make a video that's almost a full day down the drain and I KNOW in that one particular day I will miss something drastic and somehow become a week behind.

My exams finish June pretty early though, so expect after that to have lots more activity both here and on youtube.

So quick update - yes, I am aware of FNAF4, and super pumped for it's release, and yes, I have lots of other FNAF facepaints ideas to do before then. I've even made a Freddy top hat and Freddy ears. They taunt me constantly.

Love you whoever the one person who is reading this is, I will hopefully see you later.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Liquid Latex vs PVA glue update:

I am sorry for the lack of weekly PVA glue updates. I didn't want to scar you guys more with my unmakeuped face again... though you will be exposed to it may more than you will approve of in future.

So basically, every day or so after that update I put the glue on my face. First week or two after my skin reacted - not as violently but under the glue you could see the skin was red. And when I took it off I'd have a lovely red circle on my face like I was so bad at makeup I couldn't even attempt a clown look.

Next week after that my skin didn't really react, it was just a slightly darker shade of red under the glue - which could be less of a reaction to the glue and more the fact the skin was being mildly restricted and lacked air.

And then a day or so ago I got something new - I caved and ordered liquid latex.

I put both on my face in dots on my cheek, and both seemed to react fine with my skin. No real redness or burning or any sort of discomfort part from the stench. Both of these things smell bad and both make my eyes water slightly.

WARNING: before I continue I bought a 500ml bottle of latex off ebay so I don't know how trustworthy this brand is or how safe it is to be on my face. But I'm going to test it anyway FOR SCIENCE!

So first impression comparison between PVA glue and Latex;


      PVA Glue

  • Can get it anywhere
  • It's pretty cheap
  • It comes off really easily with water (pro-tip don't rip it off without water to prove your manliness, just wet it and it'll come off in a second and you won't peel the skin and half your cheek muscles off with the glue)


  • Dries almost matte and kind of sticky so paint should probably stick to it
  • My skin seems to react just slightly less though the PVA didn't spawn hell-fire on my skin when I last tried it
  • It's really stretchy
  • Can come off in one piece so you could potentially use prosthetics again if your careful when removing them


      PVA Glue

  • Smells nasty and potentially reacts to skin
  • Does not come off in one piece
  • Will become ruined on the slightest touch of water - jk but be careful, even when painting it you need to let it dry a little between coats or it'll start to die. You know this is happening when it loses transparency and starts turning milky


  • It's really sticky so you'll need powder to set it
  • It's harder to remove than the PVA glue since you cant just wet it and wipe off - prepare for almost waxing as you remove it from any areas with any kind of hair.
  • It's not that cheap - my el-cheapo brand was still $16 for 500ml - with PVA glue being potentially half that and available everywhere. The latex I had to buy online.
So there's my first impressions, when uni lets up a little I'll do some more experimenting, may possibly damage my skin forever, and then update you from the hospital bed.

See you then.

Sunday 26 April 2015

Ultron Makeup and my birthday!
So, I forgot to post it here, but yeah I made an Ultron video.

This Ultron is the very first version of Ultron, and he's a little rough around the edges - both in the movie and in the facepaint.

First go of greasepaint.

I got my flash pallette dupe in the mail that morning. The look was in celebration of the Avengers releasing in cinemas two days after that look. At that point I didn't know why Ultron looked that way, and assumed he was broken ultron - which in a way he was.

Don't worry you guys in America, I won't spoil the movie for you.

But yeah, he wasn't broken in the way I thought he was.

Now why am I saying this face-paint was different? It's just another face-paint, why does saying it was grease-paint make up for your inadequacy?

Well it doesn't really. But grease-paint is not the same as water-based paint. Why? Grease-paint does not set. And if it does set, it sets in such a long time that you can't possibly wait for it to set.

Is that a bad thing? Yes and no.

No, it's not a bad thing because having it not sets allows for real easy blending and mixing of colours. You also don't have to run to a tap or a spray bottle every two minutes to reactivate it because it's dried out.

But it is a bad thing if you want it to last and not smudge. Or to shade with eye-shadows, or layer on top of the paint. 

So basically what I'm saying is, I'm currently used to water-based paint and that's why I find the grease paint more difficult to work with. It's not necessarily bad, I'm just not-pro enough for it.


Now on to another subject... it's my birthday! Yay! And I half-celebrated it yesterday by seeing age of Ultron and buying the most amount of cinema food I've ever bought.

Not to shove it in your faces if it's not yet released in your country but damn that movie is beautiful. And once it's been out long enough I may have a couple little rant/spoiler-talks about it. 

It was basically the most beautiful way to pre-celebrate my birthday there was. You will not be disappointed when you see it. Just make sure not to look too close at anything online about the movie to not have twists spoiled for you. Let's just say if you know anything about the vision or what he looks like you know too much and have a twist spoiled for you. There was a reason marvel was trying to hide the character.

I feel like I just spoiled it for you... sorry.

Anyway today is kind-of less birthday ish then yesterday weirdly, but I can now drink legally if I had the money to buy alcohol... yay?

See you lovelies later and hopefully I will learn to use less ellipses in my blog posts with my new found adult-hood.

Sunday 19 April 2015

PVA Glue as Liquid Latex?
Can you use this cheap alternate to save your wallet and achieve the same look?

My thoughts, no.

Why I thought it was an option in the first place;

There are plenty of tutorials for a real quick wound/zombie using tissue paper and PVA glue. Pretty much everyone would have these items to hand. Latex on the other hand is pretty expensive, and most people generally wouldn't have it laying around unless they are a SFX artist or a mad keen cosplayer.

I've also had PVA glue on my skin before to no problems, and with a proud non-toxic boldly stated on the front of the bottle, I attempted a Shireen from Game of Thrones.

It didn't work.

Basically, I started putting the tissue and PVA glue over one side of my face. At first it was fine, I was happy. Then my eye starting to sting a little and I was like "it's just the glue fumes, lets turn a fan on", and I continued on.

Then my face started to feel a bit hot and I was like, eh, maybe it'll pass. Let's keep going.

I did this until I was finished covering my face and then started to let it dry. As PVA glue dries it becomes clear, and as it became clear, I saw how red my skin was under it. How red, this red.

Okay so ignore how blotchy and red my face is, and the weird bandaid thing I got going on on my eyebrow on the left picture (I was covering it cause I want to keep my eyebrows okay?). You can see here how red my face got from the PVA glue after I took it off. Right picture, left side of my face if you can't tell the difference between nearly ripe and totally ripe tomato skin tones.

It's now been 24 hours and I can say it left no lasting damage. So that's a plus.

But obviously, this reaction scared me a little. I'd never reacted this way to PVA glue before and I was half-terrified that one half of my face would start peeling like a massive sunburn.

So when I woke up in the morning with a normal face, I was like... was it some weird reaction to my moisturizer? Tried it this morning again - this on a small area on my face - and the same result. Turned red, stayed red after removal for a little while.

And I was like damn, now I might actually have to buy latex... but what if the same happens with latex. Poor wallet, how will you survive.

But I was not satisfied with the belief that torturing my wallet was inevitable. So I tried PVA glue on my knuckles, and inside of my arm - where there was no hair - to test if I'd suddenly developed a PVA glue allergy.

And no problems occured.

I even made a wound with it on the inside of my arm.

And below is the same wound with some shininess via lip gloss

And what the glue looks like when you rip it off, nastiness.

Btw if you ever use PVA glue for a wound on your body, don't rip it off. PVA glue gets real soft when wet, so just soak it and wipe it off and you wont have to forcibly mega exfoliate the area under your wound. Basically it hurts like a band-aid, not enough to make a big deal of but enough that you may want to avoid it,

Anyway, so what did I conclude with the experiment for SCIENCE?! That I have no glue why my face is being a bitch... and will continue to test my face frequently to see if it will react the same way.

So stand by for weekly PVA glue updates. That sounds exciting right? Right... yeah, you can skip those.

Anyway, so I still want to make a Shireen Tutorial for you guys, but now it'll probably be a face-paint only tutorial and contain no dimension or realism. Why don't I go out and buy liquid latex now? Cause I live in Australia and anything cool is either; not available, or 600 times more expensive than buying online.

I may order some latex but don't expect it for like 2 months because Australia is so far away from everything that'll it'll take years to reach us.

Sorry for the bulk word post, but eh.

Oh, and lastly, PVA glue does not set without air. So if you cover any glue you've poured out of the bottle - like in an old ice cube tray - so it's air tight - like with sticky tape - it'll stay usable. Intense dash use...

Okay bye, before I type even more...